
CertCapture Customers

This module allows you to list, create, update and delete customers in CertCapture, synchronizing your SAP Customers to Avatax. From the SAP tab you can find SAP Business Partners, and select them to create or update in CertCapture. A column will indicate if the Business Partner already exists in CertCapture. From the CertCapture tab, you can view the customers in CertCapture, and delete them at CertCapture.

CertCapture Certificates

This module allows to list CertCapture created certificates, and also to download and view them. To view to certificate you can use the arrow link at the View column.  

View CertCapture data

The view data module is for listing data from CertCapture, and includes the following objects:

  • Cover Letters
  • Exempt Reasons
  • Exposure Zones


CertCapture Certificates Requests

The requests module lists the certificate request you have created at CertCapture: And also allows you to post a new Request, with different types. By clicking on the New button, and posting a new request: